Today should be our last day 'stuck' at home due to the weather...So I decided that I would post about Calebs hair. After adopting a biracial child, we are learning that there are ALOT of people who want to give you all sorts of advice about hair and skin stuff, even if your just in line at Target. His hair gains us alot of attention, his skin is so light that his hair is about the only give away that he was adopted. We think this summer he will get a little darker color.
We LOVE his curls and have decided to let it get long, at least for a boy. It is already past his shoulders when you pull out the curls. However he is usually not too happy when its time to 'fix' his hair in the morning. I have learned that cartoons help him stand still enough to pick it out and put product in it.
After MUCH searching we finally found some products that smell good, but not like little girls, and that are not too heavy for his hair. It is actually fine and not very corse. We use a product called 'Blended Beauty'. We use the satin style detangler and curly cake shake. Here are a few morning shots of Mr. Crazy hair while having breakfast and then one of him with it looking cute after he has had it fixed.

Caleb is SUCH a happy boy, we love learning all about his hair and have fun trying new things with it.