Yesterday we had our first visit with Calebs birthmom, Megan. It was a baby shower for her and her sister who are both expecting baby girls in less than a month. Megan invited me to come and asked me to bring Caleb, I was a little nervous because Caleb is very active as most 17 month olds are and I wasnt sure how he would behave with plates of cake and cups of punch sitting all around. Brandon, Megans fiance was going to be there so Megan and I decided that Brandon (my husband) should come to keep him company and help keep Caleb under control. The visit went great and we met even more of her family, too many to keep straight! We love Megan and Brittany and cant wait to meet their babies! Caleb will have so much fun playing with them both! Here is a picture that we took right before we left, Caleb would not smile for anything!